Questions & Answers:

When I place an order, how long until the products are shipped?
Each product you see for sale on our site is the actual product for sale.
The product is completely finished, photos taken and then posted for sale.
When you purchase an item it will be shipped within 5 days.
Please keep in mind many of our products will be the same type or design but will be painted differently.
Products that look similar will have slight variations.

Do we ship anywhere in the US?

Do we ship overseas?
Unfortunately, Not at this time.

What is the Shipping and Handling Fee?
This covers the cost of our shipping supplies, this is to protect your items from damage during the delivery process.

What is your return policy?
We do not accept returns UNLESS your item is received damaged.
If this happens you MUST contact us as soon as possible.
You must also take photo’s of the box, and of the damaged product.

Are all your items made/created by you?
All of our masks, props and other items are designed, sculpted, molded & airbrushed by me in my shop in Lincoln, NE. 
Some of our accompanying items such as pvc, pvc joints, etc. may be made elsewhere.